Architectural Design + Passivhaus + Whole House Retrofit​​​​​​​
We have a hands-on approach to design, combined with a strong technical understanding of how buildings work. All our designs are underpinned by passive design principles and a collaborative approach with the client​​​​​​​.
Historic Buildings
Some of our earliest projects included the restoration and renovation of two Grade B listed homes in North East Scotland.
These projects involved the restoration of original features and reconfiguration of the internal layouts and sensitive energy efficiency measures.
There are many challenges in working with listed buildings, old buildings function very differently to new ones and the management of heat, air and moisture in the fabric of the building is very important to understand.
Passive House Design 
The Passivhaus standard was first written in 1996 and designed to provide high levels of thermal comfort. Using the Passivhaus standard results in a house with no draughts and a stable temperature throughout. A mechanical ventilation system circulates warm fresh air throughout the building which guarantees high indoor air quality.
A wonderful by-product of this approach is that very little energy is required to heat the home, most of the energy comes from the sun, the appliances and the occupants living in it.
Given the current climate crisis the Passivhaus standard is really the only way we can build new and reach net zero carbon emissions.
It is possible to retrofit existing buildings to a passive house standard called EnerPHit, more information can be found on the Passive House Institute page
Whole House Retrofit
Many people are looking to improve the energy efficiency of their home, either to make it more comfortable, to reduce their energy bills, or to reduce their carbon emissions.
Adopting what is known as a fabric-first whole-house approach can reduce a homes energy consumption by up to 80%, while also making the home warmer and providing better indoor air quality.
As qualified Retrofit Coordinators we can conduct an energy assessment of your home and provide a Retrofit Plan that can either be carried out in stages, or in one sequenced package of work, tailored to the clients desired outcomes.
For more information see the guide to Whole House Retrofit.
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